13 comments on “Tips for camping with a motorcycle

  1. One of the biggest advantages of hard cases is that you can compress the contents very efficiently from the top. Mine hold an amazing amount of stuff..so much so that’s the only luggage I carry. It’s also nice to know that regardless of the weather, they will stay dry at all times. Don’t buy hard luggage on looks, much of it is made from very thin aluminium and the first fall will make it look pretty ugly..buy only 1/8″ wall thickness.

  2. How do you secure panniers, tank bag and tail pack from being stolen with your stove, tent and other valuables if you want to walk and explore the city your in?

    • That is always a problem.
      We take the tankbags with us (that’s why I don’t like magnetic tankbags: they are too heayvy), and we reckon that the Ortlieb has been tied in such a way to the bike that it is difficult to get is loose, and that nobody wants to steal something looking so shabby anyway.
      It is a matter of how it “feels” in a city. Sometimes, we don’t want to leave the bikes; sometimes, it feels perfectly safe.

  3. Very good site for camping info. You don’t just say what to bring but give good explinations on why.
    All of my camping and travels have been in North America, so there are some differences to be expected. But for the most part this is an excellent site and resource for anyone no matter what your location.
    I did notice that most of your pics have beemers in them. Other riders camp too. That’s OK my present ride is a 1200GS.
    Thanks for the Great Site, ride far and often.

    From: Mel

  4. This website has been a great help! We are novice motorcyclists preparing to embark on our first, proper camping trip to Europe.
    It would be wise to encourage newbies to undertake a trial run close to home. We did this and found out how long it took to pack the bikes prior to leaving home compared to packing the bikes at the campsite, also learning better packing methods.
    It gave us vital experience of riding on wet grass too!!!
    Another tip, buy a Trangia – stove, kettle, pots & plates all in one. Packs down neatly & runs on meths – great piece of kit!

    From: Annie & Ian at Isle of Wight UK

  5. One correction to the cooking gas. In Scandinavia, there are a lot of Primus gas tanks available, sizes about 450ml. Also liquids are widely available at any gas station.

    From: Niklas B

    • I do all my camping here in Ont Canada with the CVMG, but we ride coast to coast from May to Dec & in all kinds of weather. I enjoyed reading your info Tkx. PS naptha fuel in cold weather, use propane fuel in warmer weather in your stoves. then your good to go.

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